About Us

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland serves the whole of Ireland, North and South with a membership of around 300,000 ministered to in 539 congregations or parishes by ordained ministers. In our Christian worship, the preaching of the Word of God is central, in a setting of prayer and praise. 

There is no fixed liturgy but we believe we should only do in worship what the bible says we should. Therefore when we meet to worship on Sunday’s we pray, we read scripture, we listen to sermons and sing Psalms and Hymns both modern and ancient. 

The word ‘Presbyterian’ describes the form of our Church government where each church is run by ‘elders’.  The first bibles were written in Greek and Presbyter is the Greek for elder.  Presbyterian churches believe that the bible teaches churches should be places where the elders are chosen by the people not by other ministers or by a bishop, where elders and bishops are biblical terms which mean the same thing and are not different things pointing to different roles, where in each congregation there is a plurality of elders not just one, where elders are ordained by other elders not by one man, where everyone has the right of appeal to the elders who also together govern each other and lastly where Christ is the head of our church not a king or Taoiseach or any secular ruler. 

Presbyterians are Christians who believe that we should live all our lives for the glory of God out of gratitude for our great salvation freely won for us.  

We do not believe in a Christianity that is just so you can say you are a Christian, fire insurance against hell, a badge to be worn in certain circles, something to make the grandparents happy, a thing you do on Sunday or even just now and then or any other less than way of regarding faith in the Lord Jesus! 

We aim to live by faith, with love, for his glory, by the Spirit, in accordance with the moral law -every day of our lives.  We call all to turn from their sins to faith in Jesus so that they can have a true relationship with him and avoid the horrors of hell in the afterlife. We aim to pray frequently and do good at the same rate. We see our church as a divine institution, created by God to fulfill his purposes here on earth. This will include many great acts of kindness, and justice. But it could just as well mean bearing up under persecution and suffering even to death. Presbyterians don’t mess around. We ain’t your gran’s church (though she is welcome too!)  but we could be yours.  See you Sunday morning.    

click here to see in detail What we believe…

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